All we need 'do is come to the View menu, open up the Toolbars dialog, and then from down at the bottom of the alphabetically-sorted list, enable the three V-Ray options that we see there, so V-Ray for SketchUp, V-Ray Lights and V-Ray Objects. If you don't see these toolbars at all on boot-up, not to worry, as enabling them is very straight forward.

Now these could start up as free floating element, and so would need docking to the SketchUp interface, or they could start already docked to the UI as we see them here. This is because on launch, we typically get access to a very obvious set of V-Ray-specific toolbars. SketchUp Materials are automatically used in Render Plus products such as IRender and RPS 3D PDF.- The very first time that we run SketchUp after running thought the V-Ray installation process that is, we won't need to look too far in order to discover the most visible set of V-Ray interface controls that are made available to us. The image-based material will be added to your new materials collection ♦ Locate the image-based material to add to the collection. A new materials collection is saved ♦ Click on the Color drop-down menu. ♦ Enter a name for the new materials collection that will contain your image-based materials. ♦ Select Window > Materials - The Materials Browser is displayed. ♦ Place your image files into the new folder. To add materials from image files: ♦ Create a folder for your image files. jpg pictures taken with a digital camera) using the Materials Browser. You create realistic SketchUp Materials from image files (such as.

Paint these materials on faces to create windows. Materials also have an opacity property (a number between 0 and 100%) allowing you to create materials that behave like glass. The default material can be changed by painting the geometry with a material. Geometry in SketchUp is assigned a default material as it is created.